Program & Weekly Announcements – July 26, 2020

Click here for The Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, Morning Prayer Rite II 10:15 AM Bulletin, Announcements and Notes.

As a reminder, 8:00am Rite I Holy Eucharist Service has been suspended until further notice.  Therefore, please find the following schedule changes:

  • 8:30am to 9:30am: Drive Thru Communion in the parking lot
  • 10:15am: Rite II Morning Prayer via Zoom

Please continue to keep our country and our people in your prayers.  As Fr. Garry says – with God’s continued blessings, we will overcome this virus and emerge a better and stronger nation.

If you have any questions and/or problems, please do not hesitate to contact Kay at church, 321-723-3015, or on my cell, 321-544-5074.

See you Sunday.


Marilyn (Carter), Dick & Ann (Seitzer), George (Maul), The Perers Family, Esti (Smodell), Nancy (Miller), Ann & Thomas (Bays), Barbara (Lockwood), Victoria (Jameson), Diocese of  Honduras, Dee (Levey), Josh (Sherman), Carmela (Fawver), Frank (Thomas), D.R. (Babcock), Michelle, Amanda, Samantha, Dillon & Alyssa (Libasci), Linda (MacDonald), Thomas (Heiber), Healthcare Workers Family Members

The Sanctuary Candle, which signifies the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament held in reserve, the Altar Plants and Eucharistic Elements, are given by our Parish Family to the glory of God.

Birthdays: Sandy Browning, Mike Dagley

Lectors for 10:15 Service: Andy Mindel, Lauri Stone & George Maul

Altar Guild: Lucretia Braddock and Lauri Stone

Welcome – With enthusiasm, we welcome you to our St. Sebastian’s Family. All baptized Christians of any denomination are welcome to receive communion in the Episcopal Church and All are welcome for a blessing. If you are a guest this morning and wish additional information, please call the church office at 321-723-3015.

Dress Down Sunday July 26th –

Be Yourself & Come As You Are!

Yes, that means you can stay in your pajamas with your coffee/tea in hand, breakfast on hand. Or, dress up as your “alter ego” and let them surface! Whatever you decide, join us for 10:15 Zoom Service

Calendar of Events

8:30 AM  – Drive Thru Communion
8:30 AM – Second Harvest Food Bank Drop Off in parking lot
10:15 AM Morning Prayer via Zoom! It’s Dress Down Sunday!

2:30 PM – DOK Meeting – Smodell Hall

9:30 AM – Healing Service via Zoom

Standing Notes

Prayer List – To add a loved one to the prayer list, please call the church office.  It will be listed for 6 weeks.
Healing is available during 10:15AM Sunday & 9:30AM Wednesday Services.
HospitalPlease let us know if you are in the hospital or will be going to the hospital.  Let the hospital know St. Sebastian’s by-the-Sea Episcopal in Melbourne Beach is your church.
Mr. Can Do – Nonperishable food items are collected and taken to Second Harvest.  The cart is located in the Narthex or call the church office.
Candles & Flowers – to dedicate the altar flowers or candles, please sign the sheets located in the church office or call the office.  The cost is $40 for flowers and $5 for candles.
Eucharist Elements – To dedicate a Eucharist Service, please sign the sheets located in the church office or call the office.  The cost is $30.
St. Francis Center holds a Taize Service of Contemplative Prayer and Music the 2nd Monday of each month (September thru May) at 7:30pm.